Ernesto Vadalà

Ernesto graduated in sports sciences in 2005 at the University of Pavia with a specialization in sports and post-traumatic motor rehabilitation.

That same year, he started working as a water rehabilitator.  In addition to his passion for work as a hydrotherapist, he completed an internship at the Milanese rehabilitation studio Isico (Italian scientific institute of the vertebral column).

In 2007 he obtained both the two-year SSIS specialization diploma (school of specialization in secondary education) and the SOS (support) specialization that allowed him to become a professor of physical education on a permanent basis in middle schools.

The great passion for rehabilitation studies finds in Pilates the perfect combination: rehabilitation, relaxation, breathing, coordination, strength … all conditioning skills that are improved with original and surprising movements, without ever forgetting the foundations of rehabilitation.

In 2009 he became an instructor specialized in small and large tools in the Pilates Covatech school in Milan.

In 2013 after another two years of training at the National and International Certified Training School Istituto Sant.  George in Milan, obtained the qualification of a massage therapist, increasing with the massage the ability to feel the body manually, intuit and customize the Pilates training program.

The love for this practice is fueled by numerous theoretical and practical updates, which allow him to refine and transmit his skills in the best way, addressing all students, without distinction whatsoever.

Esercizi di pilates
Insegnante di pilates Ernesto Vadala
Pilates Milano con cadillac